
Posts Tagged ‘restless soul’

Restless Soul

Sometimes your soul gets restless and it wander in the room looking for a place to lay it’s head and sleep. But none of the spots it finds are quite good enough, so it stays on its feet. Sometimes you soul gets restless cause it gets too stiff from sitting under the same bridge too long. Deep down it knows it’s been time to keep trucking on. Sometimes your soul gets restless cause there’s a nameless fear that creeps and crawls in the shadows. Sometimes it’s close and sometimes it’s far. But you only get glimpses of it but never a good look. You know its not a big threat but it bothers you on those still and quiet nights, when you’re alone with your thoughts and yourself and nobody else. Sometimes your soul is restless because it’s got too much love to give, and it feels as though your arms are too weak, your feet are too shy, and your eyes are to dry, and time is too fast. Because you know there people your hands should be hugging and helping. You know the poor places are where your feet should be running. You know your eyes should be crying with the heart-broken. But time moves fast, and work drags on. So your soul stays restless for far to many nights, while you try to distract yourself with a thousand different delights. But it only distracts your mind, because your soul won’t rest, it won’t rest before it has what it’s searching for.

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